Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python2
Stitch frames together into a video

import argparse
import pathlib
import subprocess
import re
import logging
import math

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def stitch_frames(frame_dir: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path, start_idx: int, stop_idx: int, step=1, fps=59.94, overwrite=False, frame_pattern=re.compile(r'.*jpg', re.IGNORECASE)): """Stitch a directory containing sequentially numbered frames into a video using FFMpeg Args: frame_dir: directory whose children are all frames output_file: path to video file composed from stitching all the frames in ``frame_dir`` start_idx: index of the first frame to stitch after listing and sorting all frames with ``list.sort()`` stop_idx: index of the last frame to stitch after listing and sorting all frames with ``list.sort()``, use -1 to calculate the last frame based on the ``start_idx`` and ``step`` step: step size between adjacent frames (use 1 for stitching all frames, 2 for skipping every other frame, -1 for reversing the video) fps: frames per second for the resulting video overwrite: overwrite the ``output_file`` if it already exists? frame_pattern: python regex pattern for selecting a subset of files, defaults to selecting everything Returns: None """ if not frame_dir.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Frame directory + " + str(frame_dir) + " does not exist") if not output_file.parent.exists(): output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) assert not output_file.exists() or overwrite, '{} already exists, and `overwrite` wasn\'t set'.format(output_file) frames = [str(frame) for frame in frame_dir.iterdir() if] frames.sort() # iterdir doesn't guarantee files are listed in lexicographic order if stop_idx == -1: stop_idx = int(len(frames) / math.fabs(step)) if step > 0: selected_frames = frames[start_idx:stop_idx:step] else: selected_frames = frames[stop_idx:start_idx:step] assert len(selected_frames) > 0, 'No selected frames in {}, check the directory has frames,' + \ 'and the `frame_pattern` matches some files.'.format(frame_dir) cat = subprocess.Popen(['cat'] + selected_frames, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)'Stitching frames from {} into video {}'.format(frame_dir, output_file)) try: subprocess.check_output(('ffmpeg', '-framerate', str(fps), '-f', 'image2pipe', '-i', '-', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-y', str(output_file.resolve())), stdin=cat.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("FFMpeg failed to stitch files:\n" + "Output:\n" + str(e.output)) raise e # Signal SIGPIPE to ffmpeg call if the cat call fails # See for more cat.stdout.close()